Pablo Cristi
Pablo Cristi is an artist born and raised in Los Angeles to Chilean parents escaping the Pinochet regime. Cristi’s work is motivated by an active political awareness and is steeped in a critical inquiry of power, representation and history. His investigations of the colonial past, present, and future often take the form of paintings and sculptural objects that deconstruct and commingle urban visual vernaculars. By articulating strategies of cultural erasure, survival, and transformation, Cristi’s work produces counter-hegemonic narratives that allow a critical reanalysis of the status quo.
Join SEE(d) for an evening in Pablo’s West Oakland warehouse studio where we will share boutique wines, appetizers and lively discussion with the artist. Bring a friend and support the artist—Saturday, September 17, 2022, 4PM - 6PM.
Cristi has exhibited work in Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland and Riverside, CA in the historic, inaugural exhibition of The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art and Culture (aka 'The Cheech') at Riverside Art Museum. Other exhibitions include: ‘South of the Border,’ Getty PST: LA/LA, Loft at Liz’s, Los Angeles, CA; ‘Barrio Logos: Displacement and Vanishing Iconography,’ Getty PST: LA/LA, Residency Art Gallery, Ingelwood, CA; and ‘Papel Chicano Dos-Works on Paper,’ University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, WY. Cristi is Chair of the visual art program at Oakland School for the Arts and a graduate of the Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) program at California College of the Arts, where he was awarded the Barclay Simpson Award in 2009.
Pearls Before Swine, 2014
Hydrocal, automotive paint and gold leaf
Serenghetto Safari Study, 2014
Acrylic, ink and spraypaint on paper
California Gold, 2010
painted porcelain